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Annie's Attic of the Day: Machine Embroidery Techniques I
Blog: Good morning & don't forget to set all non-Internet connected clocks ahead today! For me that means 1 in the living room & 3 in the kitchen. Yesterday was a great crafting day, I finished 1 knitted leg warmer & started a pair of wrist warmers. Today I'm going to work on my poncho, I think I'll make it to the halfway mark on it today! I started watching a new show yesterday & managed to watch 1 entire season of Longmire while knitting.
Daily Cleaning of the Day: Laundry day, dust bedroom lampshades, wipe down refrigerator, dust living room mantle, sweep the front porch, clean the car vents, & clean the office door & frame.
Hobby Lobby of the Day: Heart Glitter Iron-Ons
Pandora of the Day:
Pinterest of the Day: Cluster Granny Square Afghan
Project of the Day: Burgundy Seeded Stripes Poncho
Random of the Day: Alexa Skills : Food & Drink : Cooking & Recipes
Ravelry of the Day: JellyBean Fall Outfit
TV of the Day: Centennial Charmed
Twitter of the Day: Don’t fear change. You may lose something good, but you may also gain something great.
Watch Face of the Day: My Samsung Galaxy watch stopped working over a month ago & they're all on backorder, so no replacement yet. I think they released it too soon, it wasn't ready for prime time yet.