Wednesday, June 26, 2024

June 26, 2024

Astrology (Gemini):
Our ruling planet is Mercury: Ancient messenger of the gods. In astrology, Mercury rules communication & travel. Its influence emphasizes quick cleverness & a nervous temperament.


  • Physical state: Positive
  • Emotional state: Negative
  • Intellectual state: Positive
  • Intuitive state: Negative

Intellectual maximum
The intellectual maximum increases creativity. During this period, the most difficult problems can be solved with ease. This is a good time for negotiations, signing contracts, and making decisions of great importance.

Intuitive minimum
The intuitive minimum is characterized by a loss of the sixth sense. Decisions made intuitively at this time may prove false. There is no inspiration for creative work.

  • Physical is high at 63%. Tracks strength, endurance, powers and state of health. Physical fitness, strength, & stamina.
  • Emotional is low at 24%. Tracks the stability & positive energy of psyche & outlook on life, as well as capacity to empathize with & build rapport with other people. Mood, emotions, perception and creativity.
  • Intellectual is high at 99%. Representative of intellectual dynamics: verbal, mathematical, symbolic, & creative abilities, as well as capacity to apply reason & analysis to the world around you. Thinking, learning, memory, communication, logic and analytical abilities.
  • Intuitive is low at 1%. Know when you can trust your "sixth sense". The cycle tracks an unconscious perception and instincts.

Primary overall is high at 62%

  • Wisdom is high today at 62%. Wisdom encompasses your understanding of the world, your role in it, and the things that are truly important to your life. This cycle also tracks the presence of mind that you need to make crucial decisions.
  • Mastery is high at 81%. Mastery encompasses your ability to succeed at tasks and to obtain what you desire. This cycle also tracks athletic ability and the focus required to learn physical skills.
  • Passion is low at 44%. Passion encompasses your motivation to act, and the drive that allows you to continue a difficult pursuit. This cycle also tracks sexuality in its purest form and affects enthusiasm, stimulus, and impulsion.

Secondary overall is high at 62%

  • Perception is low at 32%. Physical/Intuition pattern is probably the hardest of the basic patterns to name. That's probably because Physical and Intuition are diametrically opposed on the surface. On the contrary, they are the same as all extremes meet. Physical covers the 5 basic senses that everyone is aware of and Intuition embodies the ethereal (electromagnetic) senses that are just beyond the reach of conventional science. Many plants and animals on this planet have been proven by science to have perceptions beyond that which most people realize, and untold unsolved crimes have been solved with the help of Psychics. This pattern was named the PERCEPTION pattern for obvious reasons.
  • Psychic is low at 13%. (ESP, Precognition, Remote Viewing, etc.).
  • Success is mid at 50%. (Business, Financial, Scientific discoveries, etc.).

Extra overall is low at 31%

  • Aesthetic is low at 14%. Creativity & creative skills.
  • Awareness is low at 40%. Influences confidence and self-awareness.
  • Spiritual is low at 15%. Influences inner stability and attitude and the perception and personal relationship to what exceeds a person: to God.

I-Ching overall is low at 23%

Blog Post Previous:

Post #73 or 758 total is from June 9, 2012 in the original Blogger set before this one:
Went on a MVA call yesterday & then grabbed a double cheeseburger & came home & collected a lot of graphics & even played with PSP a bit myself. What I finally ended up doing mostly was coding my Web pages. Made them look all fancy again. I missed the personal touch of the graphics backgrounds with the borders & all the pretty stuff. The only thing missing from the days of old is the midi tune playing in the background ... but I have iTunes now. :) FD Maintenance Tuesday night.

Daily Life: I really wish I could go outside because I'd love to clean out & organize the shed, but due to the dogs I can't do that. So many things would have to happen first. The entire back yard would have to be cleaned, the fence that we used to have would have to go back up, and ... oh yeah, it would have to be UNDER 98°-100° which is what it's supposed to be today & that's the real temp, not the "feels like" which is going to be about 10° higher than that. So cleaning out the shed is a great idea, but not when it feels like 108°-110°. Nope, I'm too old for that kind of heat. Back in the day, no problem ... but now? No way! I'm hoping to get some knitting done on the socks I started. I'm not sure about this pattern though. I found it on Ravelry & although it looks great because it's done completely flat on 2 needles instead of 4, there's no shaping involved. They're just going to be tubes & I'm not sure how that's going to look on the top of the foot at the ankle. Won't it be all bunched up? I'll make 1 & see if I want to bother making the 2nd one or not. Now somewhere I do have a pattern for socks made flat but they're shaped & those come out really nice. I should have just made a pair of those instead, but I figured I'd give these a try. Finishing the 1st sock will decide whether or not I make the 2nd & if the pattern stays in my favorites in Ravelry. For dinner tonight I was reminded of Amazon giving GrubHub to everyone who is a Prime member as part of their membership benefits. That would be a great idea if it were the weekend, but since it's a weekday it's much faster (& cheaper) to have Pete stop on his way home from work. I don't need anything from the grocery store today, so it's a perfect time for him to grab something on his way home. I'll look at the DoorDash site later & pick a place for him to stop at.

DoorDash: Speaking of DoorDash, let's just go ahead & do that now since I wanted to spotlight a restaurant or store daily anyway. Some of these may be little mom & pop places that are in my local area only, some may be chains that can be found in your area too. This, like most things in my life will be chosen at random. Going back to the 'Blog Post Previous' above, I can only guess that I ate at Burger King that day because it's usually the only place I ever get a double cheeseburger. I can't eat much & those are small enough for me to finish. If I get a double cheeseburger anywhere else, they're way too huge for me to even think of finishing. The way this is done is that I go to DoorDash's site, scroll down until I get to "All Stores" & then keep scrolling until I hit the bottom. I count as I go & once I get the number of places currently open (it changes daily), I run a random number generator on that number & then go back up & scroll to the number that was chosen. There's our random place for the day (and today where I'm going to ask Pete to stop on his way home. There are 394 places to choose from in my local area & those are just the places that do DoorDash (I personally know of many that do not) ... so this area is amazing for foodies & shoppers! So let's see what today's place is ... And the winner is Pho Que Huong Noodle & Grill. A Vietnamese restaurant that is of the most loved restaurants on DoorDash, one of the top rated & most reliable. Local chain showcasing Vietnamese noodle soup & other Asian classics in a casual setting.

Numerology: This also ties in with Astrology in some form. Geminis are natural communicators with a never-ending thirst for knowledge, Geminis are eternatl students. Being an Air sign & very intelligent, Geminis are always on the move, always trying to satisfy their mental curiosity. Extremely quick at picking out the salient points of any subject, they acquire a wide general knowledge, which they love to share with others. Geminis can be bright, multitalented, & enthusiastic but must guard against scattering their energies in too many directions. Through mental discipline & education, Geminis may learn to develop a greater depth of thought.

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