Tuesday, December 3, 2013

• December 3, 2013 •

Good afternoon! Yeah, I have a Minecraft problem. I can't stop playing that game! I finished everything I needed to yesterday & then loaded up the game & didn't look up until it was time to cook dinner. If I load the game now, I won't get ANYTHING done today. I won't be able to stop. I swear, I'm powerless when it comes to that game. No self discipline at ALL. So ... I'm going to resist the overwhelming urge to load the game, get some things done FIRST today, & THEN load the game & disappear until dinnertime. Crocheting, Knitting, Minecraft, & Sims. There aren't enough hours in the day & that's not counting the things I NEED to do each day. I have 4 houses now (you can see 2 of them in the 2nd pic). The 3rd structure, the one on the far right, is a marker to an underground tunnel I made while mining. The 3rd house is on top of a mountain. It's tiny & I built
it on the highest point only as a marker so I could find my way back to my original spawn point ... which is where my 1st above-ground house is ... not far from the where I burrowed into the side of a mountain on my 1st night & collected materials to build the house. I've recreated the world I'm currently playing so I can start from scratch in this nice place now that I know what I'm doing. Fresh game 
starting today after 3 days of learning. Now I'm ready to roll for real. I really wish I could mark the spot where I spawned. It would be easier to plant a red flag there than build a compass & then try to remember the exact spot. My new & beautiful, untouched (so far) world from the exact spot I spawned, looking north ...  is the 3rd pic. YAY! :D

As Mars sits in your 3rd house this month, a relative of unknown origin sits on your front porch. Keep your curtains closed & use the back door until they give up & go home.

Best countries for backpacking top 10:
  1. India
  2. Republic of Georgia
  3. Uganda
  4. Poland
  5. Argentina
  6. Australia
  7. Morocco
  8. Ireland
  9. Turkey
  10. Bolivia
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I've a late report from the newsroom for you. It's bad news, bad news for the economy. Taco Bell just raised the price of natural gas. -Johnny Carson 1976

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Using high-speed photography, scientists discovered that woodpeckers' beaks slam into a tree trunk w/ a force exceeding 1,000 X the force of gravity. So why don't they all get brain damage? Turns out evolution has given them small & very dense brains that are resistant to injury.

What if you were a positive scripter, an affirmer, of other people?

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