Tuesday, July 16, 2024

July 16, 2024

Blog Post Previous:
Post #174 of 769 total is from October 5, 2012 in my original blog:
It's been a couple of days. Wednesday morning after I left here, I had French toast for breakfast & then checked my banking for the week, cleaned the shower, dusted the silk flowers in the bedroom, cleaned the kitchen counters, did a load of laundry, cleaned the living room walls, hosed off the back porch, cleaned my computer, & then showered, checked facebook & eBay, went through the mail for the week, finished the knitted afghan panel that I had started previously, then loaded up the Sims 3 & played Lafayette again. Over 100 games & I played the same one back-to-back. I've never done that before, although it was nice to play a game & actually REMEMBER what I was doing because it was the last game I played. LOL! I'm so used to loading up a game & having to go through my notes for that game, study each person's traits, where they work, that their skills & skill levels are, etc. On the flip side, it was kinda boring loading up the exact same game I played last ... again. I played until Pete got off work & then we met at Sicily's for some manicotti & a calzone (I had the manicotti). :) We came home, watched some TV & headed off to bed. The next morning I woke up & crawled straight into the Matrix. I completed Northmont & it's been uploaded to the Sims Exchange. You can check it out &/or download it here: https://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=6478861 With Northmont complete, it was time to begin my next creation. This next one will be called Heart of Texas. I chose a nice 30X40 lot to place it on which gives people room to decorate & landscape the lot as they like once they download the lot. Add a pool, add trees, add an outdoor living area, plant a garden ... you'll have space, but not so much that the house looks tiny on the lot. I started by building a 2 car garage in the front right corner of the property & added 2 different types of motorcycles. I also added a nice large tree, a driveway, some flowers, a shrub, & a rock for landscaping. Next I'll work on the utility room. Gotta have a place for your washer & dryer. :) After that I loaded up OUR house. The replica of our real house, real cars, & real family. I had to make a lot of changes from when I worked on this one last. Eve has moved out (I cried when I kicked her out of the household in the game ... lost her TWICE now), had to remove 1 cat & add other pets. I didn't realize how much had changed in the past 100+ days. Anyway, now everything is as it should be. Furniture has been moved, some added, some deleted, took a screenshot of day & night & wow, it looks like our house all right. Not bad! After I was finished updating that game, I loaded up Glenbrooke (shown in the last screenshot). This is another house I've built & decorated. My 1st generation Sim that I created to play this house is Zack. He's childish, a schmoozer, frugal, an animal lover & has a green thumb. He decided to become a CEO. He likes cobbler, custom music, & the color orange. He's a Sagittarius. His furry companion is an Old English Sheepdog named Xavier. He's non-destructive, shy, & hydrophobic. After spending a few days at work, Zack met Betty Wills & married her. They now have a daughter named Nikki (2nd generation) who hates the outdoors, is insane, & mean spirited (just lovely ... isn't she a peach?). She's a Leo who likes Chinese music, the color yellow, & Ratatouille. Knowing that time would be tight with 2 full time jobs in the business field & a new baby, Zack adopted Marina. Those 2 have have had puppies & the family now also includes Sheba (2nd generation), a hyper & clueless puppy. I played that game until Pete came home & then we picked Kyle & Josh up in Princeton. Came home, took a nap, watched some TV, made dinner, watched more TV, & went to bed early. Here I'm thinking between the nap & going to bed early, I'll be up & going earlier than usual today. I was really looking forward to the early start & feeling fully rested at that! So what happens? Even after the nap earlier in the evening, I slept through a FD call & then overslept this morning by an hour & a half. Sonofa ... oh well. No early start. Same time as usual. My alarm clock never went off this morning. Why? Because as I was trying to go to sleep, my phone rang. It was Eve. I want to talk to her, but I was SO tired. The phone was in a stereo & was LOUD, so I reached over & silenced it. Yeah, my alarm went off this morning ... but it was on silent. Brilliant. Now here it is speeding up on noon already & Josh has to be at work out near Frisco at 3, the same time the homecoming parade starts in Princeton, making it impossible for me to be in the parade with the FD this afternoon. For everyone who WILL be at the homecoming parade, both FD & non-FD, have a great time ... I'm here, wish you were beautiful. ;-)

Blog Today:
Holy crap that was a long blog post above. Wow! Not much goes on these days. Eash day is like the last & I really love that. I see why retirement is so pleasing to some. You go from daily chaos to knowing that today is going to be nice & peaceful, just like yesterday. Pete & I have been talking about 3D printers a lot. I wanted one really bad. I begged. I hinted. I nagged every day. Then I was on a 3D printing stream on Twitch (it seems that 90% of the makers & crafting streams are 3D printers now) & I won something just from being there. I won a box of stuff he's made. The box came very quickly & I got to actually study & touch things out of a 3D printer. I wasn't impressed. I'm not talking about the skill of the person who made the stuff, I'm talking about the stuff in general. It's lightweight plastic & reminded me of Temu or a bubble gum machine. Well, scrap the 3D printer idea. Beading, love it & will do it forever. Crocheting, love it & will do it forever. Knitting, love it & will do it forever. I tried the Cricut & it was fun ... for about a week. The cost though. I mean every craft requires materials, but beads & yarn are relatively cheap. The Cricut required constant feeding. You need materials to cut, then you need items to put the stuff on. Mugs, hats, t-shirts, etc, etc, etc. So you're paying twice just to make one thing & thanks to print on demand sites, you can't make any money with the Cricut. Yes, some people do, but like I said, print on demand kinda squashed any hopes of making a profit from the thing & then you take into account that every woman in America (some young girls, too) has a Cricut. Everyone has one, everyone uses one, everyone makes stuff to try to sell with one. The market is super saturated & you have print on demand sites. There's no point. So now it sits on a shelf & collects dust. I'd sell it, but everyone already has one or three. I have 3. The Cricut, the mug press, & the t-shirt press. Then I tried resin. I love resin! It's a learning curve, but I went all out. I have the resin, I have the molds, I have the powders, I have the paints, I have the fillers, I have ... every damn thing. I love it. Why don't I do it more? Resin is expensive. Like $50 every time I need more & at the rate I was going while learning it, I needed more about once a week. That was too expensive. More money than yarn or beads. But on the bright side, I actually sold stuff I made. I love the resin! Let's see what was the 3rd one ... Oh, the 3D printing & I already covered that. Resin wins. Beading, crocheting, knitting, & resin are my favorite crafts. Oh yeah! The other reason I stopped resin ... space! Between the resin, molds, paints, powders, mixing cups, stirrers, syringes, & the plethora of other items needed, you really DO need a dedicated room & lots of folding tables set up to work on & have all your stuff on. Do I have space? Hahahaha! No. I have the opposite of space. I was just thinking while typing this that I'm going to pull all my resin making stuff out of storage & then while I was moving the laundry from the washer to the dryer I thought ... and put it WHERE exactly? Aw crap. Damnit!

I worked on a crocheted cardigan yesterday while watching a couple episodes of Outer Range.

DeviantArt of the Day from https://www.deviantart.com/lizc864:

Grilled Cheese

Friendship Bracelet Pattern of the Day:

Game of the Day:
Cities Skylines was great yesterday. I hadn't played in a long time & it was nice. I even streamed it overnight in cinematic camera mode. A feature that Cities Skylines 2 removed & the reason I never bought the new version. Today I'll play Sims 3 IF I have time which I might not because I really am thinking about pulling out all my resin crap & trying to find a place to set up again.

The home location I'd like to concentrate on improving today is repairs / upgrades, but with a high in the triple digits, it might not happen. It depends on what I decide to work on.

Image of the Day:


  • Intuitive & Spiritual: The intuitive & spiritual maximums (100%) promotes spiritual connection, evolution, and development. This is a good time for making correct intuitive decisions. During this time, inspiration and intuition are at their peak.
  • Intellectual: My intellect is at only 3% today. I want to be active, but it is difficult to remain focused. Work on projects and activities that have been planned for a long time. Avoid making important decisions right now. The intellectual minimum is a period of diminished mental activity in which thought and memory are impaired. This is not a good time to negotiate, sign contracts, make important decisions, or implement new ideas. During this time it is better to do simple mechanical tasks. Inner stability and attitude.
  • Day: Today is a day for Courage, Determination, Energy, Starting a new activity; getting through that to-do list with zest, & Strength.
  • Month: Compassion, Creative / Crafting, Harmony, Home, Love, Security, & Simple Pleasures.
  • Year: Change, Discovery, Freedom, & Travel.

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