Wednesday, July 24, 2024

July 24, 2024

Blog Post Previous:
Post #27 of 775 total is from April 23, 2012 in my original blog:
Thank you Harold for the sticker. :) I had a nice weekend & even managed to spend some time playing Pyramid Solitaire on myYearbook last night. It took me a while, but I finally cleared the board & won a game. This morning in 2nd Life I went to a French speaking area in the game & although I couldn't chat with anyone I did manage to get myself some cool new clothes. Now if only I could get away with dressing like this still in real life. Well, that was several pounds ago ... about 30. Speaking our pounds & my refusal to diet because I enjoy food way too much, I've decided to share a recipe with you today. No, there's nothing "diet" about it, so if you're watching your weight, don't even read it. It'll make you drool all over your keyboard. Daniel Jason Grady, we lost you 1 year ago today & we still think of you & miss you every day.

Blog Today:
There's a site I visit to look at & occasionally buy courses to learn new things. Every time I visit the site, there's a promotion that says "Today ONLY all classes $19.99", or sometimes it's $13.99 like it was 2 days ago. I ignore that huge banner because it's been there literally every single day for years. It's not a special 1 day only price when it's been there for years. Anyway, there was a class I really wanted to take & it was of course, $13.99. I didn't buy the course but yesterday I decided I wanted to take the course so I logged in ready to purchase it. Well, for the 1st time ever, that sale banner was gone & the course was $159.99. WHAT?! Aw crap, are you serious? Needless to say I didn't purchase it at that price. It may very well be worth it, but I don't have that kind of money for a class that may or may not be worth it & may or may not have information that will help me make more money. I am so pissed. Damnit. Anyway, they have a subscription where you get 7 days free & then it's $20/mo after that. Well worth it if you like taking courses because it gives you access to 11k courses out of the 210k on the site. Hmmm ... I wonder if I'd be interested in any of the others? Anyway, I can get the free trial, take the course I want for free since it's one of the courses included in the subscription plan, & then cancel if I don't see anything else I like. I have 8 saved courses in my favorites, but what if none of the other 7 are included in the subscription? The other downside to the subscription is I would have to take very good notes, because unlike purchasing a course & owning it forever, on a subscription you only have access to it for as long as you're subscribing. The second I cancel, I lose access ... so I need to take really good notes. Still worth it!

I didn't craft yesterday because I really wanted to spend time in a game instead.

DeviantArt of the Day from

Speaking of Aurora, this is the very beginning of Aurora! The 1st 2 houses to be built in the world! Charmed Manor was the 1st on the top right. You should see the DynMap view now. It's such a large town!

Peanut butter on Ritz

Friendship Bracelet Pattern of the Day:

Game of the Day:
The randomly selected games were ... ick. Nothing I was interested in playing but I wanted to stream my Minecraft town Aurora overnight last night so I spent time working on that. I love how that town looks, it's so beautiful! From a distant aerial shot it looks like Sims 3 or maybe even Cities Skylines. It just get larger & more beautiful by the day when I work on it. Today's game is what I was talking about yesterday ... a randomly owned game on my son's account which is now mine. He has sooo many games! This will be interesting.

I didn't work on the house yesterday because I was looking at home items on Etsy but I never see anything I like or can afford on there. I did manage to find a bunch of crochet patterns I like though. I didn't buy any, but I did add them to my favorites.

Image of the Day:

Pattern of the Day:

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