Tuesday, July 30, 2024

July 30, 2024

Blog Post Previous:
Post #107 of 779 total is from July 19, 2012 in my original blog:
What a busy day yesterday! Besides picking Kyle up in Princeton, there was a grass fire, a head-on collision, & a medical call. Even with all that, I STILL managed to FINALLY work on my knitting machine again, only for the 2nd time since setting it up in my office. A sweater is 4 major pieces. The back, the front, & then each sleeve. Well, I had completed the back the day I set up the machine (almost, I didn't get the ribbing done at the bottom). Yesterday I managed to complete the ribbing on the back, do the front, complete the ribbing on the front, graft 1 shoulder seam, do the ribbing on the neck, & graft the other shoulder seam. WOOHOO! It looks GREAT! All I have now is the 2 sleeves & I'm done! Got to cook hamburgers & watch Dallas after Pete got home. Yesterday was a great day. I hope it was for you too. Kyle started debate camp this morning & he couldn't wait. Why am I not surprised that he excels in arguing? Andrew's birthday is Tuesday! I wish I could be with him, but Myrtle Beach is a lot of gallons of fuel away & my truck only gets 15 mpg. This is one of those times that I wish I had a motorcycle or a Prius. Zip out to the coast, zip back. Eve's going to be moving out there soon too, which means 2/3 of my children & my in-laws will all be out in Myrtle Beach. I wish there was work out there for Pete, we'd move too.

Blog Today:
Great day yesterday, I got everything done & then some!

I did some resin pouring for the 1st time in 2 years. I made a beautiful set of 1 bowl, 4 square coasters, & 4 round coasters. Burnt Sienna with Antique Gold powder mixed in. The coasters are holographic & came out wonderful. The square coasters didn't come out as good, they are slightly buckled, just enough that I wouldn't want to sit a glass on them. I think I'll market those to be used with the holographic side down since the "bottom" is flat. I'll just make the bottom the top. The holographic side features the hologram more than the antique gold powder, but the powder floated to the top, meaning the "bottom" has all the gold. So even if I flip the square ones, they're still beautiful because more gold shows on that side. Before marketing I should put little rubber feet on them or cork so people don't accidentally use the wrong side & have a glass tip over. It's not "that" bad, but I don't want any accidents ... just in case. Today I'm going to work on a friendship bracelet.

DeviantArt of the Day from https://www.deviantart.com/lizc864:

Cheese Dogs

Friendship Bracelet Pattern of the Day:

Game of the Day:
I didn't feel like gaming yesterday. I was too busy being productive & making things. I'm really torn today, I want to work on that friendship bracelet for a long time, but I also want to play Forza 5!

I want to work on the hall closet, but there isn't really much I can do in there. It's mostly storage. Nothing to neaten, nothing to get rid of, nothing to use at the moment. I'll check it anyway just to make sure.

Image of the Day:

Pattern of the Day:

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