Wednesday, July 3, 2024

July 3, 2024

Blog Post Previous:
Post #510 of 761 total is from November 25, 2013 in my current blog:
Good morning! Friday was a perfect day. I cleaned the house, got the mail, went to work, sent out the grocery list for the day, showered, & then knitted a sweater for our Chihuahua who has been a little chilly in this fall weather (2nd pic). Friday's Sims game was Small Steps Daycare & my Sim Vinnie has been working on his skills & going to work. Saturday was a perfect day too ... I took the dogs out, made a bologna sandwich for lunch & a bagel for breakfast (not in that order), sent the grocery list out, got the mail, created a Pandora account & found out that I like Pandora, took the dogs out, then sat down to work on my Star Trek themed braided mile-a-minute afghan for the evening. Saturday's Sims game was Autumn Road. I created Chris (1st gen) who is lucky, loves the cold, hydrophobic, equestrian, & a loser. His lifetime wish is to be a jockey. He likes shawarma, custom music, & the color red. He's a Sagittarius. He's been working on his riding skill on his Holstein who is fast, piggy, & agile. Perfect days are coming back to back, because Sunday was too. I'm liking this. I'm finally getting everything done & getting crafting time in too. WOOHOO! I took the dogs out, went through the Sunday paper, made french toast for breakfast, cleaned the house, sent the grocery list out, had a game of Gomoku, took the dogs out, made grilled cheese for lunch, & then sat down to play Sims for the evening. I played that until the game burped & got stuck. My child Sim suddenly stopped aging a day before he was supposed to age up into a teen. At that point I gave up & then moved to the living room to work on a new, better fitting cabled canuck hat. This one is going to be great! :) Yesterday's Sims game was the sculptor career. My Sim Chris has reached level 10 of the sculpting skill & is on his way to level 10 of the sculpting career, though he's not there just yet. Chris's Son Edward has aged up into a child & is working on random skills until he's old enough to work on the sculpting station. Unfortunately, that's where the game got stuck. He was supposed to age up on a Sunday in the game, but when Sunday rolled around, he still had 1 day to go before he aged up into a teen. I checked the game settings & aging is enabled ... which makes sense because he's been aging up until now. Monday morning rolled around & the school bus came & still no birthday. Crap. I'm going to have to force an age-up the next time I play this game. Last night was a rough night to sleep. Lots of people at fault here. 1) US. We couldn't afford to get Joselyn fixed, so she's in heat. 2) OUR OLDER CHILD & HER EX. They brought Joselyn home & promised they'd take care of her. Now they're gone & we're stuck with her. She's a great dog, but we really weren't ready for a huge dog. 3) OUR YOUNGER CHILD. He tore down our fence, meaning that not only can we not keep Joselyn outside longer during the day because now we have to tie her out on a cable, but other dogs can get to her. 4) THE OWNER OF THIS HUGE MALE DOG. There's a huge, beautiful male dog that showed up last night & hasn't left. He's gorgeous! He looks like a very LARGE mix of a Husky & a white German Shepard. Super friendly. Problem ... he wants Joselyn. He has been at the back door since early yesterday evening & hasn't left. He whines at the back door, barks, & howls. We went to bed & suddenly he stood up & started scratching at the screen & back door! We had to move patio furniture to block the back door to keep him from destroying the screen & all glass door! This morning he's still there & I HAD to take the dogs out. The Chihuahuas will NOT go out there with this moose-sized strange dog at the door, so I'm going to be cleaning up Chihuahua crap off the floor later & mopping up little Chihuahua piddles damnit! There was no way I was going to let Joselyn crap in the house though, so out she went. I clipped her onto her cable & before I got back into the house & closed the door (her cable was AT the back door!) the big male dog was rapidly humping her head. He didn't even wait for her to turn around. I walked into the kitchen, got a glass, poured some milk, looked out & they were connected. Puppies. Just what we needed. Hubby, myself, the owner of this male dog, both our kids, & our daughter's ex ... we're all responsible for this. OK ... I'm asking now. Who wants an American Boxer / Husky / Pitbull / White German Shepard - mix puppy? They're going to be huge. Assuming they were successful in conceiving this morning, they're due to be born January 27th & they'll be ready for new homes March 10th. Who wants a St. Patrick's Day puppy? Speaking of adopting a furry companion, we have 2 kittens & a female cat available. Smokey is the female mother cat, the kittens are a long-haired orange kitten & a shorter-haired gray tiger stripe. Thanksgiving cat or kitten anyone? Living in a rural area, we end up with a lot of dumped pets who need homes. Only Xoco, our Chihuahua, & Harley, our gray & white cat ... are chosen by us. All the rest of our pets have been rescued. Our other Chihuahua Browser ... found at the water company in town. Smokey the female cat, found at the same place (gotta stay away from that water company!).

Blog Today:
Wow, that previous blog post is filled with memories! I had a perfect day yesterday, too. I actually had time for everything for a change. Today I probably won't though because I spent an hour moving all 8 cameras in our 8 camera set. 7 out of the 8 face outside now. Why? Yesterday morning at 9:09a I saw 2 shadows walk past our bedroom window. The camera faced in towards the middle of the room & you can see the light from the window on one of the walls. Well, 2 distinct human figures walked past the window. Now we're not right on the road, we have a fairly large front yard & there are no shadows from people walking on the street, it's just too far away. Whoever those 2 people were, they were right up near the house. That really bothered me. Then when my husband came home from work last night, our neighbor came over & met him in the driveway as he got out of the car & showed him a video from his outdoor camera ... a man walked into his back yard & sat down on a bench my neighbor has by his shed. My neighbor was able to talk to the man through the camera (my neighbor wasn't home at the time) & the man said that he just needed to sit down for a few minutes (to be fair it was over 100° at this time. Like my cameras, there's full audio so my neighbor heard this man talking after he sat down. Now we don't know if this was directed at the neighbor or if he was on the phone with someone & had a Bluetooth in his ear, but the man said "I have a gun, I'll kill you!". Well, shit. So ... I spent this morning turning all my cameras to face outside. I have an 8 camera set that all show on a single viewing screen. I had 1 facing the driveway & 1 facing the back yard, but now I have 7 out of the 8 pointing outside. 1 facing in each direction, left, straight, & right in the front & the same in the back. The 7th is pointed directly at the cars in the driveway. They are pointing like a fan: \ | / The 8th & final camera is in the living room next to the front door & covers the inside of the house ... living room, dining room, & kitchen. I have indoor cameras so I can save memories of my dogs. Little 1 minute videos of them playing, walking around, etc. That was the original purpose, but the indoor cameras became priceless after my son committed suicide. He hated having his picture taken & wouldn't allow it, so I have almost no photos of him, but I DO have video of him from when he lived here. Video of him walking into the kitchen to grab a snack & then heading back to his room. It's all I have left ... those little 1 minute videos. Now indoor cameras mean even more to me. Besides memories of my dogs, I have the videos of my son & husband ... because if my husband goes before me, I'll cherish all these videos of him puttering around the house. But now I'm down to only 3 indoor camera & 7 outdoor cameras. I guess that sufficient. lol

I got to work on my knit socks yesterday while watching A Few Good Men via the Roku Media Player. These socks are going to take forever. They use regular yarn but very small size 3 needles which means many many more rows are needed to get the length I want. I'm seriously thinking of scrapping the project & starting over on size 8 needles. Since the pattern is done strictly by measurements, I can do the same thing on size 8 that I can do on size 3 but in almost 1/3 the time. Yeah, I think that's the new plan. I'm going to restart on size 8s.

Tonight I'm going to make my favorite style of eggs ... over easy with buttered toast & sausage.

Game of the Day:

The home location I'd like to concentrate on improving today is the back yard. The only problem with that is when I get to that it's also going to be the hottest time of the day & here, that's going to be 99°. Nope!

I'm going to make my regular windows into long windows (floor to ceiling. I mean, I live on a beautiful island with lots of light so why not expand my view! This is easier than usual because of the island being surrounded by sand, so glass is easier to come by than usual.

Image of the Day:


  • Emotional: The emotional maximum (92%) gives a sense of completeness, motivation, elation, & a desire to create and love. However, during this period, situations of disharmony or alienation may produce keen reactions due to increased sensitivity.
  • Physical: My physical is at only 1% today. It's better to conduct business by phone & do work which requires mental energy rather than physical effort. Work with papers in a quiet place, go to the cinema, or spend some quiet time in the company of friends & loved ones. Sex is likely to be unsatisfactory at this time.
  • Day: Today is a day for Analysis, Fixing, Isolation, Meditation, Problem Solving Day, Reflection, Research, & Study.
  • Month: Compassion, Creative / Crafting, Harmony, Home, Love, Security, & Simple Pleasures.
  • Year: Change, Discovery, Freedom, & Travel.

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