Tuesday, July 2, 2024

July 2, 2024

Blog Post Previous:
Post #436 of 760 total is from August 28, 2013 in my old blog:
Back to work. Yesterday was a busy day off, but at least I managed to get some relax time in. I talked to Pete, planned my next DIY project, got the mail, processed an incoming Avon order, swept the living room, picked Kyle up from school, tried to get Kyle to mow the lawn well but, oh well ... then went through my AOL e-mail & settled down to play Minecraft until Pete got home from work. One day I'll figure the game out. Right now I'm just trying to stay alive after dark. LOL! I did manage to create a home. I burrowed into the side of a mountain & stuck a front door on the opening. It's not pretty on the outside unless you like houses that look like a mountain, but it works & it works well. I mined down underneath it by creating a staircase & have found metals & minerals that way. Next I need to learn how to plant seeds & have a ranch so I can breed food. Eating is proving to be a challenge because the cows are on the other side of the mountain & hard to find. I hear them, I just can't find them & when I do, I kill it & have 1 steak. Not much. I keep hearing sheep, but haven't been able to find them yet so I don't yet have a bed. Anyway ... Minecraft. Interesting game. Yesterday's Sims game (Oh I'm SO much better at Sims than Minecraft!) was Modern Mediterranean & my Sim Piper is in the university on a distinguished phys ed award. She's been going to classes. This morning is back to work for 5 days, but even though I got up sorta early, I'm way behind because of family stuff. I took the dogs out & then talked to Pete, & Ann-Marie ... wrote a long e-mail to Kyle, & then had to place my Avon order. It wasn't due in until tomorrow morning, but considering that I never know what tomorrow will bring, I placed it today just to be safe. If something ... anything goes wrong & I'm not able to hit send on that order by a certain time tomorrow morning, it would then cost extra because it was placed late or I'd have to wait 2 weeks to place it again which would make everything in that order obsolete since the catalogs are time sensitive. Yeah, to be safe I'll always be placing my orders 1 day ahead of the deadline. This morning's Sims game is Fredericksburg & my Sim Elizabeth is currently pregnant & can't go to the university yet. That's OK, that gives her some time to work on her skills & maybe get a partial scholarship. Right now she has none.

Blog Today:
My random previous blog post is so cool! It was when I was BRAND NEW at Minecraft & had no idea what I was doing! OMG the memories! That made my day. I remember that world, my very 1st world ever. I wish I still had that world. I think a lot of people do. Me & my son talked about that once, how it would have been amazing if we knew to never ever delete that very 1st world we played. I also wish I could get that feeling back, a lot of people do. That feeling of Minecraft being brand new to us. Not much is going on in the past 24 hours. I am completely stumped as to why I no longer have any time. I used to finish everything & sit down to relax, craft, & watch TV somewhere around 1 every afternoon. Then I got back into blogging & that added about an hour to my 1st 1/3 of the day routine, meaning in theory, depending on the length of the blog, I should be sitting down to relax around 2-2:30 now. Nope, something has gone terribly wrong & now I find myself with NO time to relax. Sitting on the sofa, crafting, & TV time are just gone. I have been finishing everything around 5p the previous week. Yesterday it was even worse, I didn't finish until almost 7 which wiped out any Minecraft time I usually have. I swear I have no idea what happened, but I'm going to have to change something soon so I get my relax time back. It's that whole "All work & no play" thing ... I really do need to just sit on the sofa & decompress a little bit every day & that hasn't happened for over a week. I also just really miss crafting. It's relaxing & productive because I have something I can use or sell when I'm done.

I wish I had something to say here. My knitted socks project has been sitting on the end table for more than a week. By the time I get to it again I'm going to have to blow the dust off of it 1st.

Tonight's recipe is from the 5 Ingredient Recipes Cookbook: Sweet Onion Skillet Bread.

Game of the Day:

The home location I'd like to concentrate on improving today is the attic. The only problem with that is when I get to that it's also going to be the hottest time of the day & here, that's going to be 100°. Nope!

I'm currently working on creating a map wall. Well, just A map since I live on a small island & I'm pretty sure then entire island will fit on a single map. I named my island Kokomo.

Image of the Day:


  • Emotional: My stability & positive energy of my psyche & outlook on life is high at 85%. My capacity to empathize with & build rapport with other people is very good.
  • Physical: My physical is at only 2% today, the possibility of fatigue & falling ill are increased. Stay away from anything physical & no drinking today.
  • Day: Today is a day for Adventure, to Be progressive, Change, Freedom, R&D experimentation, & to Try something new.
  • Month: Compassion, Creative / Crafting, Harmony, Home, Love, Security, & Simple Pleasures.
  • Year: Change, Discovery, Freedom, & Travel.

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